In the business world, change is a constant factor. Whether you are relocating to a new space due to growth or find that your current line markings no longer align with your business requirements, it's essential to prepare your concrete surface by removing existing paint. Proper preparation ensures better adhesion, cleaner removal, and an overall higher quality for your concrete floors. Discover how ARROW Line Stripping locations guarantee a smooth process for your concrete paint removal project!
The removal of paint from a concrete floor can be approached in various ways, with the right method depending on factors such as the type of paint used, whether the markings underwent shot blasting, the floor's condition, and the size of your project. With ARROW Stripping, we utilizes state-of-the-art removal equipment to ensure your concrete slab or lot looks revitalized.
Line marking removal typically involves surface grinding, a process that, when done incorrectly, can etch or damage your concrete. Trust the professionals at ARROW Stripping. Our team possesses the experience, training, and equipment to remove paint from your concrete slab or parking lot without leaving a mess or causing any damage.
Furthermore, recognizing that each job is unique, we work with you to determine the most suitable option for removing paint from your concrete floors at an affordable price. Whether you are transitioning to a larger space or planning to establish new lines to accommodate workflow changes, we also offer a range of removal and sealing services following the completion of your line marking removal.
Contact ARROW Line Striping today for expert parking lot striping, pavement marking and surface solutions.